So my boys r all in bed for there naps witch Im thankful for and my hubby is at work for a meeting.Me Ive been cleaning my house looks good still have more to do going to mop floor right quick.Well that is done now and I still need to go over it again.Im going to do my devotional now and see if I get anything out of it.Well I read about commitment for life read out of mark and the verses that stuck out was.(Mark 10:7-9 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,and the two will become one flesh.So they are no longer two,but one.Therefore what God has joined together,let man not separate.)Ok so now y it stuck out to me because my hubby and me have been in a constant fight because of my mother in law and its like he cant leave his mom when he should stand in a united front with me against her when it comes to our kids not side with her and treat me like Im nothing when we married.But there r lots of things I dont get I mean my Hubby Is 30 and Im only 22 But we made a commitment to each other on our wedding day and he hasnt held up his vows like I try to.Anyways thats all for right now gotta get back to work on my house blah!